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Social Impact Solar®

Social Impact Solar® is who we are and what we do. For us, it’s a laser focus on creating legacy impact for the communities where we develop. Community engagement, workforce development partnerships, good jobs, and credentialed skills training, are the foundation of what we do.

From Appalachia to Nations, Tribes, and Pueblos, we are bringing the promise of renewable energy to the forgotten places, where coalminers and oil and gas workers powered the industrial development of America for a century.

Squaring that deal – putting displaced energy workers back to work in a new, greener economy – is our passion. And our business.

From land acquisition, facilitating public engagement and incentives, and shepherding projects through regulatory processes, to securing corporate off take agreements (VPPAs) from ESG committed corporations, we utilize a “boots-on-the-ground” approach to produce results.

Our current pipeline of developing projects – both utility and community scale – spans more than a dozen states and represents 3 GW of solar energy and storage with a potential private capital investment of more than $3b.

“Our passion is leveraging new energy
to build a New American Dream.”

Adam Edelen // Founder & CEO of Edelen Renewables

Who We Are

Triple Bottom Line
Return Strategy

How We’re Providing More Than
Clean Energy to Rural America

With a founding mission of bringing the promise of renewable energy to the forgotten places, Edelen Renewables is the only solar development firm in America with a sole focus on socially impactful projects that provide the triple-bottom line return of meeting the climate challenge, driving economic transition in forgotten communities, and creating legacy impact for off-takers and communities alike.

Solar Development

Creating Legacy Impact
for Off-takers and
communities alike

Economic Transformation

Solar Development
Projects Combating
Climate Change

Energy Savings

Driving Economic
Transition in
Forgotten Communities


For the latest Edelen Renewables press releases, articles and media mentions, visit our press page.
harnessing the sun

Harnessing the Sun
in Coal Country


Kentucky Coal Mines Could Become
Massive Solar Farms
Fast Company

“Adam Edelen and his team are among the
most innovative solar developers around.”

Kiran Bhataraju // Founder & CEO of Arcadia Power

new york times
matter of fact logo
fast company